The Midwest Bonsai Society board is happy to announce our General Society meeting schedule for 2024! As dates get closer, each meeting’s Bonsai 101 and ‘Main Program’ content is finalized, and our website updated. Check back here, or keep an eye out in our newsletters, for more details on our meetings, as they are available.
Hope to see you at a General Meeting soon!
March 4 - Burnstein Hall
April 1 - Burnstein Hall
May 6 - Pullman Room
June 3 - Burnstein Hall
July 1 - Burnstein Hall
August 5 - Burnstein Hall
September 2 - Burnstein Hall
October 7 - Burnstein Hall
November 4 - Burnstein Hall
(All meetings start at 7 PM - please see our Meetings page for more details)