COVID-19 Updates for the Society

Nearly a year has passed since COVID-19 began affecting all our lives. While the Society’s Board has met regularly throughout the pandemic, we’re starting to see the fruits of our labors in changing our programming and methods to reach our members in this new time.

Show Updates
After canceling both the May and August Exhibitions (for the first time ever for both), the Board is planning ahead for this year, following both the Chicago Botanic Garden’s direction, as well as expected state of the world.
The Chicago Botanic Garden has made clear that no Horticultural Society Events (such as our May show) are expected this spring, and therefore the Board is looking for alternative locations to host a smaller, trimmed-down event, focused on regional bonsai enthusiasts and vendors.
It does appear that both the Garden as well as health experts believe that this summer things will change. Therefore, the Board is moving forward with an expected Exhibition at the Garden, and is working to plan the event, seek vendors, and advertise in normal bonsai channels.
Stay tuned to the website and newsletter this year for timely updates on both shows.

Newsletter Content
Throughout the pandemic the Society’s most successful communication vehicle has been, and continues to be, our newsletter. Renewed focus on bringing interesting topics from never-before-heard-from Society members is the focus of the year, with hopes of expanding the length and quality of our newsletter.

Bonsai Helpline
Launched last year, senior members of the society have begun answering your questions submitted by email to To help share the knowledge, we’ve added a new section to our website to track these questions - you can find it at Bonsai Helpline.

Virtual Meetings
Investment was made last year in a solution to allow remote virtual meetings, as you may have been using for other events, classes and societies in your personal lives. The Board hopes to launch our first virtual meeting in the first quarter of 2021

Our hope is that this hard work happening behind the scenes comes to fruition early this year, and we can begin sharing again in our shared interest in Bonsai, together!